


Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Feb 25 2025


All Day

IANS Regional forum

Main goal of the regional event is to research and discuss effective models of Community Based Public Safety, focusing, as well, various challenges and potential for developing community resilience and safety.

“Community-based public safety” (CBPS) is the term its practitioners developed to describe the community-led safety. It is a relationship-based violence prevention and intervention model in which residents are employed and trained as credible, trusted public safety professionals who create safety in their own neighbourhoods. CBPS professionals most notably (a) mediate conflicts to a peaceful resolution; and (b) guide those engaged in violence to different choices and healthier outcomes through high-risk interventions, assertive outreach, mentoring, case management, victim services and more. CBPS practitioners also often respond to low level crimes, provide Safe Passage to school, stabilize families and organize the community around a culture of peace. In short, CBPS is a key missing link to building out a new approach to safety.

In some countries, such as the USA, this security model is not unknown, while in the countries of the Western Balkans, some aspects of this model are just beginning to be studied and applied, mostly initiated by civil society organizations and through volunteer and youth work.

Organisers of this last Regional Forum believe that there is enormous experience to be shared by various stakeholders which needs to be reflected, evaluated or even confronted and questioned in open discussion. The Forum aims to offer the platform to bring together diverse perspectives, opportunity to share the experience and search for further answers on how we could empower and protect young people through building CBPS models.

The event aims to:

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of the participants on the theoretical concept and good examples of CBPS;
  • Present and discuss current practices on building cooperation models close to CBPS in the WB area, specifically focusing role of youth and multi-stakeholder approaches;
  • Share experience from CBPS work practice – good practice, problems and challenges from the field work.
  • Bring together the experts, researchers, youth workers and policy makers to advance a dialogue and create synergies


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