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Nature Protection Network as a prevention of irresponsible natural resource management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Summary of the project implemented by Udruženje građana Fojničani-Maglaj

The project aims to establish a peaceful, inclusive society for sustainable development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It enhances cooperation among civil society organizations, authorities, and academia, advocating responsible natural resource management. It promotes sustainable practices, transparent governance, and citizen participation in local decision-making processes. Capacity building empowers stakeholders to contribute effectively, fostering a culture of civic engagement. The project envisions a prosperous future by fostering collaboration, sustainability, and responsible resource management.

Project goals

  • The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the creation of a peaceful and inclusive society for sustainable development by improving cooperation and coordination among civil society organizations in advocating for more responsible management of natural resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


  • Specific Objectives:

Enhance collaboration among civil society organizations, authorities, and the academic community to ensure better and more sustainable management of natural resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Contribute to more efficient and transparent management of natural wealth to prevent the abuse of public functions and resources.

Promote sustainable development through scientific research and advocacy for natural resource management in line with best practices in the country, region, and European Union.

Strengthen the capacities and coordination of civil society organizations and the academic community (experts, researchers, and students) in the field of natural resource conservation, particularly biodiversity.

Encourage citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes regarding the preservation and management of natural resources in local communities.


  • Members of the Nature Protection Network, expert and local civil society organizations engaged in research, protection, and sustainable management of natural resources, particularly in the field of biodiversity.
  • Experts and researchers in the fields of ecology, biology, geology, and other relevant disciplines involved in research, monitoring, and evaluation of biodiversity and other natural resources.
  • Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina directly or indirectly affected by the consequences of poor natural resource management.
  • Authorities and institutions at all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina responsible for implementing protection measures and sustainable management of natural resources.
  • Tourists who will visit preserved and protected natural areas.

Main activities

  1. Preparation of an External Report on the implementation of the “Strategy and Action Plan for the Protection of Biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-2020” and initiation of an initiative for the development of a new strategy.
  • Preparation and presentation of the External Report.
  • Advocacy for the development of a new national strategy.
  1. Identification and mapping of potential protected areas and other natural values, along with the establishment of a unified database for research results covering the entire country.
  • Identification and mapping of natural values, and collection and digitization of research results.
  1. Definition and formation of an independent team of experts for research, monitoring, and evaluation of the state of biodiversity and other natural resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Collaboration and experience exchange with other institutions and organizations in the country, region, and EU.
  • Nature protection interventions.
  1. Development of the Strategy for the Nature Protection Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with clearly defined steps, activities, and measures to be implemented and monitored through an action plan.
  • Preparation and presentation of the Strategy and Action Plan.
  • Establishment of a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the Action Plan.
  1. Increased awareness among citizens and enhanced opportunities for their active involvement in decision-making processes regarding the management of natural resources in local communities.
  • Nature Protection Network conference and public presentation of the independent research team and the database of natural values.
  • Promotion of the Nature Protection Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, its members, and activities in local communities.

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