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KEC: Technology brings people together!

157 students, members of the Media Clubs established by our cooperating partner, Kosova Education Center (KEC), were certified for participating in the “Media Education” training, for their commitment in carrying out activities in the 7 schools involved on the project.

KEC initially build a functional non-formal network of young people from partner schools called Media Clubs, who undertook a series of meetings in different high schools in Kosovo, such as in Mitrovica, Suharekë, Viti, etc., All schools have been innovative in developing  awareness-raising activities regarding digital transformation.

Interviewing senior citizens about technology, an art exhibition with the theme “The impact of technology on young people”, workshops and sports recreation,  were the initiatives that they undertook, to identify and address the risks arising from the internet and contribute to social digital transformation.

The goal of this project is to empower youth, families, and communities to identify and address the risks arising from the internet and contribute to social digital transformation. Specific objectives are to develop capacity building of young people from higher secondary schools through the provision of training, establishment of partnerships between schools, civic engagement, and community service piloting.

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