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Archiving minutes for an assembly involves properly storing and organizing the recorded minutes of meetings for future reference. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to archive minutes: 

Create a dedicated folder or file to store assembly minutes. 

◼  Use consistent file naming conventions. 

◼  Arrange minutes chronologically for easy reference. 

◼  Include clear and descriptive titles for each set of minutes. 

◼  Attach supplementary documents if applicable. 

◼  Regularly back up electronic archives. 

◼  Maintain confidentiality and data protection. 

◼  Communicate archiving procedures to relevant stakeholders. 

◼  Periodically review and follow a retention schedule. 

◼  Consider digitization for easier searchability 

Writing an annual narrative report involves summarizing the key accomplishments, challenges, and progress made by an organization or individual over the course of a year. 

◼  Introduction: Provide an overview of the report’s purpose and the organization/individual’s mission. 

◼  Executive Summary: Summarize key achievements, challenges, and outcomes. 

◼  Goals and Objectives: Describe progress toward goals and whether they were achieved. 

◼  Accomplishments: Highlight major achievements and their impact. 

◼  Challenges and Lessons Learned: Discuss obstacles faced and lessons learned. 

◼  Partnerships and Collaborations: Describe significant collaborations and their outcomes. 

◼  Financial Summary: Provide a summary of the year’s financial performance. 

◼  Future Plans and Goals: Outline plans and goals for the upcoming year. 

◼  Conclusion: Summarize key points and express gratitude. 

◼  Appendices: Include relevant supporting documents. 

Documents are different from each country, regarding on the form of relevant ministries that issued those documents. General documents needed for registration on the GMP are: 

◼  Proof document for TIN (Tax Identification Number) 

◼  First and last Decision on registration of organization 

◼  Annual narrative report for previous year 

◼  Financial report (balance sheet and income statement) for previous year (in accordancce with year of narrative report) 

◼  Statute 

Preferable documents are: 

◼  Audit report 

◼  Strategic plan 

SMART Balkans developed a detailed tutorial on how to register properly on the GMP –  

◼  Statute  

The Statute is the foundation for building an organisation. It should contain all the key agreements made by members on how the organisation will work. In law it is called the “founding document” and it is legally binding on the executive and members of the organisation. It should tell you the following: 

Why the organisation exists, its purpose and objectives;  

Who the organisation’s key constituency and stakeholders are, who should benefit from its work;  

How the organisation intends to work, its broad principles and the basic structures for decision making and getting the work done as well dealing with the finances and assets of the organisation. 

◼  By-laws  

It is difficult to mention every single case in the Statute. Thus, the Conference can accept different bye-laws when it is needed. These are rules of procedure made by an organisation for the regulation, administration or management of its organisational structure and operational activities. 

They usually deal with matters of internal regulation, and are binding on all persons within the organisation. 

By-laws in fact make or break a CSO. We need to remember that everything a CSO does, internally and externally, are defined and laid out in the bye-laws.  

Running a protocol book properly involves effective organization, clear communication, and consistent implementation. Here are some steps to help you run a protocol book effectively:

 Define your objectives;

 Create a template;

◼  Gather existing protocols;

◼  Assign responsibility;

◼  Document protocols;

◼  Review and approval;

◼  Organize and categorize;

◼  Establish version control;

◼  Communicate and distribute;

◼  Periodic updates and maintenance;

◼  Seek feedback and improvement.

Canva is a popular online graphic design tool that allows you to create various visuals, such as social media posts, presentations, infographics, posters, and more… 

▪️Sign up or log in to Canva. 

▪️Choose the type of visual you want to create. 

▪️Select a template from Canva’s library. 

▪️Customize the design by editing text, adding images, and adjusting colors. 

▪️Upload your own images if desired. 

▪️Arrange and organize elements on the canvas. 

▪️Save and download your design in the desired file format. 

▪️Share or publish your design on social media or other platforms. 

Find additional information on how to use Canva at

Infographics are used to easily present complex information in order to inform a large audience in an interesting way. When creating an infographic, it is first necessary to identify and organize the data that will be used, after which the selection of the infographic design is approached with the help of various web platforms. Furthermore, it is crucial that visual contains only important informations.

With a website, you become visible on the Internet to an audience all over the world, and the first steps in its creation are the design of a plan for what will be on it and the organization of the website itself. After choosing a web service for creating a website, a domain and hosting are leased so that the content can be placed on the website. It is recommended that expert designer is engaged in creation of the website. 

You can edit the website yourself using websites that offer pre-designed design templates. 

In order to make a good photo, it is important not to ignore elements such as balance, simplicity, perspective, line, whereby the rule of thirds can also be applied, i.e. dividing the photo into rectangles in order to highlight the key elements. 

Photography represents one of the most influential tools that can create awareness of a problem or the need for change, and as such represents a visual illustration of your campaign, idea or project. Photography is a medium that spreads very quickly on social networks, allowing more people to get to know your project. 

◼ Conduct a comprehensive problem analysis research before filling out the project documentation

◼ Define project idea through

◼ Phase of analysis (context, stakeholders, problem, objectives, and strategy analysis)

◼ Planning phase (creation of logical matrix)

◼ Use Guidelines for applicants that can be useful for identification of potential risks and mitigation measures before applying for a project

◼ Form a team and assign taks

◼ Carefully read Public Call and Guidelienes for applicants as well as Application form

◼ Pay special attention to the supporting documents, especially since it takes some time to prepare specific documents

▪️ Do not start filling out application form before preparation of logical matrix

▪️ Use logical matrix as a baseground for different part of application form

▪️ Do not skip Guidelines for applicants, answer on each one of them

▪️ Include target groups in project preparation in order to understand their needs and perspectives

▪️ Be prepared to start implementing the project as soon as you sign a grant contract

▪️ Pay close attention to the implementation plan – the best use is in the logical matrix

▪️ Constantly monitor budget expenses, since it is necessary to ask donor for a reallocation on a timely manner if needed

▪️ Use previously created and accepted communication plan

▪️ Communication with partners is out of high significnce to ensure partner dedication in project implementation

▪️ General objective needs to be directly lined with the objective of the Call for proposal

▪️ While defining general project objective, pay attention that it overcomes project duration, describes strategic ambition and longterm change of specific situation.

▪️ Define project objective as wanted, final seeking status, rather than a way or a process; it needs to be harmonized with country’s development policy, donor’s guidelines, and it usually

▪️ Specific project objectives define expected change that will occur with project implementation; it describes benefits for target groups and at the end, it should be possible to evaluate wether concerte objectives are achieved

▪️ While defining project-specific objective, use clear, concrete, and simple formulation; it should be realistic and achievable as well as relevant in relation to the general objective

▪️ Project-specific objective needs to be formulated as a desired state, not as a form or a process

▪️ Vertical logic (project achievements, connections between cause and consequence) 

▪️ Horizontal logic (indicators for measurement of project progress, identification of sources/means for verification of indicators) 

▪️ Result is the change that needs to be achieved 

▪️ Result is what is indeed produced as a product of project funding 

▪️ Results directly contribute to the achievement of project objectives  

▪️ Project results need to be realistic, concrete and measurable  

▪️ Project results are defined in a past tense

▪️ Write project  activities as actions or series of actions and assignments in which resources are invested into 

▪️ Activities are conducted for achievement of planned  results and objectives  

▪️ They should be processes, not statuses 

▪️ For each result, at least one activity needs to be defined but in the most cases, there are more activities that lead to one result 

▪️ Planned activities should be necessary and enough for achievement of results and objectives 

▪️ Assumptions are external factors that contribute or even define project succsses but are out of project’s control 

▪️ Those are conditions, events or decisions that have to be fulfilled in order to have a succssessful project 

▪️ If assumptions are formulated as negative form, they become risks 

▪️ Include in logical matriy only those assumtions with possibility to occur, not those for which we are certain it will happen 

▪️ Assumptions help to make a decision wether to continue with project development or not 

▪️ Indicators are main instrument for monitoring project realisation and are used for a constant analysis of project progress 

▪️ Indicators help to improve management and decision making process during project implementation and provide critical informations for assessment of efficiency, impact, relevance and project sustainability 

▪️ Good way to define indicators is to answer on questions: How can we know if planned is achiving? With what do we measure succssess? 

▪️ By using 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓 indicators, it is easier and more productive to ensure that all indicators are well defined, measurable and relevant and that progress towards objectives can effectively monitor during time 

▪️ Specific for objectives that should measure and precisely reflect what is core aspect of an objective

▪️ Measurable quantitatively and qualitatively, in relation to the facts, not to the subjective impressions

▪️ Available within appropriate costs and based on the available data

▪️ Relevant and realistic in relation to the information project managers need and by realistic it means that it can be reached during project implementation

▪️ Timely framed so that it is clear when to expect that objective is achieved

▪️ Administrative check (lead applicant did not sign or stamped statement; partnership declaration is not submitted; co-funding is not in the planned line; documentations is not complete)

▪️ Project context and problems to be solved are not precisely defined, data on project relevance is not sufficient; problem analysis is subjective – data is not relevant for a problem

▪️ Results and project objectives are not clearly connected with indicators

▪️ Low harmonization with local, national, and international strategies

▪️ There is a overlap between general and specific project objectives

▪️ There is a misunderstanding between outputs, outcomes, and impacts

▪️ Logical intervention does not provide clear coherence between project objectives, results, and suggested activities

▪️ Not all expenses are presented in the budget, costs are not eligible or presented in the appropriate budget lines; prices are too low/too high; justification of expenses is unclear

▪️ Project implementation starts late

▪️ Large dependence on others

▪️ Overload of a project team

▪️ Not following visibility guidelines and rules

▪️ Not following indicators

▪️ Late project reporting

▪️ Build and use own capacities and resources

▪️ Understand international, national, and local priorities and strategies

▪️ Recognize needs of target groups and involve them in the project preparation

▪️ Guidelines for applicants is the most important document for a project preparation

▪️ Follow all guidelines in the application form and pay attention to the checklists and evaluation criteria

▪️ Simplicity is the most understandable

▪️ Build a strong partnerships

▪️ Participate in the info sessions and ask questions

▪️ Establishing clear goals and roles is crucial for effective teamwork.

▪️ Clear goals align team members toward a common objective, fostering unity and ensuring that efforts are concentrated on achieving specific outcomes.

▪️ Well-defined roles minimize confusion and duplication of efforts, enabling team members to work efficiently.

▪️ Clear goals and roles facilitate effective communication within the team.

▪️ Team members can communicate more precisely about tasks, expectations, and progress, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.

▪️ Knowing each team member’s role and the goals to be achieved allows for better allocation of resources, including time, skills, and expertise.

▪️ This prevents unnecessary overlap and ensures efficient resource utilization.

▪️ Understanding individual roles and how they contribute to overall goals promotes a positive team dynamic. It fosters a collaborative environment where team members appreciate each other’s contributions and work together cohesively.

▪️ Transparent communication ensures that all team members have a clear understanding of goals, expectations, and project details. This shared understanding is vital for everyone to work towards common objectives.

▪️ Open communication fosters trust among team members. Transparent communication allows team members to openly discuss challenges and problems. This facilitates effective problem-solving as everyone can contribute their perspectives and insights, leading to more comprehensive solutions.

▪️ Team members can provide constructive feedback to each other, fostering continuous improvement and individual development. A culture of open communication encourages the sharing of ideas and creativity.

▪️  Team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, leading to a more innovative and dynamic work environment. It reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page, contributing to overall efficiency and productivity.

▪️ Trust fosters open and honest communication. Team members are more likely to express their thoughts, share ideas, and discuss challenges when they trust one another. This open communication is essential for effective collaboration.

▪️ Positive relationships encourage the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and expertise, leading to more innovative and comprehensive solutions to problems. When team members enjoy working together and have strong interpersonal connections, it enhances morale and overall job satisfaction. This positive atmosphere, in turn, boosts productivity.

▪️ In essence, building trust withing a team increases communication, collaboration, and overall team dynamics, contributing to higher productivity, satisfaction, and long-term success.

▪️ Aadequate resources, including tools, technology, and materials, are essential for team members to execute their tasks efficiently. When teams have access to the necessary resources, they can work more effectively and achieve their goals in a timely manner.

▪️  Providing support, whether it’s in the form of training, mentorship, or emotional encouragement, enhances team morale and motivation. When team members feel supported, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. Support in the form of training and development opportunities allows team members to acquire new skills and knowledge ccontributes to the team’s overall capabilities.

▪️  Teams encounter challenges and obstacles. Having the right resources and support systems in place enables teams to navigate difficulties more effectively. Whether it’s guidance from leadership or access to problem-solving tools, teams can overcome challenges with greater ease.

▪️ Regular evaluation allows teams to assess their performance and identify areas for improvement. This ongoing feedback loop enables the team to make necessary adjustments to enhance its overall effectiveness.

▪️ Teams operate in dynamic environments, and regular evaluation helps them adapt to changes in goals, priorities, or external factors. Through evaluation, teams can identify both their strengths and weaknesses in order to enhance team performance.

▪️  Regular evaluation ensures that team members are aligned with these goals and that their efforts are directed towards achieving the desired outcomes. Evaluations help in assessing resource utilization. This includes time, skills, and tools. By identifying areas of inefficiency or underutilization, teams can optimize their resources for better outcomes.

▪️  Media campaigns help activists bring attention to their cause, reaching a broader audience and increasing awareness about the issues they are advocating for.

Through compelling storytelling, visuals, and messaging, activists can influence how people perceive certain issues, creating a favorable environment for their cause.

▪️  A well-executed media campaign can mobilize individuals to take action. Whether it’s attending rallies, signing petitions, or participating in advocacy efforts, the media are allies for inspiring people to get involved.

▪️  Media campaigns can also exert pressure on policymakers, corporations, or other entities to address the concerns raised by activists. By attracting media coverage, activists can hold decision-makers accountable and push for positive change. Consistent and strategic media campaigns can have a lasting impact on public consciousness. Over time, they can contribute to cultural and societal shifts, leading to systemic changes and improvements.

▪️  Political representatives have the authority to shape and implement policies. Through negotiations, activists can advocate for legal reforms that align with their objectives. This might involve pushing for new legislation, amendments to existing laws, or the enforcement of specific regulations.

▪️ Political representatives control budgetary allocations and resource distribution. By negotiating with them, activists can secure funding and resources for initiatives that support their cause, such as social programs, awareness campaigns, or research projects. Negotiating with political representatives is also an opportunity to hold them accountable for their promises and commitments. Instead of relying solely on protests or demonstrations, activists can use negotiation processes to achieve mutually acceptable solutions. Negotiating with political representatives can lead to sustainable, long-term changes. While protests and demonstrations may draw attention to an issue, negotiations can result in systemic changes and enduring solutions.

▪️ Networking allows activists to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. By building relationships, activists can form alliances and collaborate on common goals, pooling resources, and expertise for more impactful advocacy.

Networking facilitates the exchange of information, insights, and best practices.

▪️ Activists can learn from the experiences of others, stay updated on relevant issues, and adapt successful strategies to their own campaigns. Collaborating with influencers, community leaders, and other activists increases the reach of their advocacy efforts and engages a more diverse audience.

▪️ Networking with policymakers, government officials, and other stakeholders provides activists with opportunities to directly influence policy decisions. Establishing relationships with those in positions of power can lead to more effective advocacy at the legislative and regulatory levels. Networking helps them connect with local leaders, grassroots organizations, and community members, fostering a sense of solidarity. During crises or emergencies related to the cause, a well-established network can quickly mobilize support, share critical information, and coordinate responses.

▪️ Activists often seek to bring about social or political change through legal means. Understanding the law allows activists to advocate for legislative reforms, challenge unjust policies, and work within the legal system to address their concerns. It helps activists design and execute campaigns that are compliant with existing laws. Being aware of their rights and legal protections is essential for activists. It empowers them to exercise their freedom of speech, assembly, and other rights while minimizing the risk of legal action against them.

▪️ Legal knowledge allows activists to strategically use litigation as a tool for advocacy, which can involve filing lawsuits to challenge discriminatory laws or seek redress for human rights violations. A solid understanding of the law enhances an activist’s credibility and professionalism. It allows them to articulate their arguments in a legal context, making their advocacy more persuasive to policymakers, the media, and the public. In negotiations with political representatives or other stakeholders, legal knowledge is a powerful asset.

▪️ Activists often engage in activities that may expose them to physical risks, such as participating in protests, demonstrations, or advocacy campaigns. Prioritizing personal safety helps minimize the likelihood of any harm. The nature of activism can be emotionally and mentally challenging.

▪️ Personal safety includes considerations for mental health, ensuring that activists have the support and resources needed to cope with stress, trauma, or burnout associated with their work. A focus on personal safety allows activists to maintain their energy, focus, and resilience, enabling them to advocate for their cause with greater impact.

 ▪️ Creating a safe environment encourages a more diverse and inclusive activist community. When individuals feel secure, they are more likely to participate, ensuring a broader range of voices and perspectives within the movement. Personal safety is an integral part of strategic planning for activism. Activists can anticipate potential risks and develop effective strategies for mitigating those risks, allowing for more strategic and successful advocacy efforts.

▪️ Critical thinking is an essential component of digital literacy, playing a crucial role in navigating the vast and complex landscape of information available online.

▪️ The internet is flooded with information, but not all of it is accurate or reliable.

▪️ Critical thinking skills empower individuals to assess the credibility, relevance, and accuracy of information before accepting it as true.

▪️ This is especially important in an era of misinformation and fake news.

▪️ In the digital age, understanding and practicing good cybersecurity habits are crucial.

▪️ Critical thinking skills help individuals recognize online threats, assess the legitimacy of websites or emails, and make informed decisions to protect their digital identities.

▪️ The internet is a platform for diverse opinions and arguments and critical thinking enables individuals to analyze and evaluate the strength of these arguments, identify logical fallacies, and engage in constructive discussions based on evidence and reasoning.

▪️ Communication and netiquette are integral components of digital literacy, influencing how individuals interact, collaborate, and express themselves in online environments.

▪️ Digital literacy involves the ability to communicate effectively through various digital channels, including email, social media, messaging apps, and collaborative platforms.

▪️ Understanding how to convey ideas clearly and respectfully is essential for meaningful online interactions.

▪️ In professional settings, digital communication plays a significant role.

▪️ Adhering to proper netiquette ensures that individuals maintain a professional and respectful tone in emails, messages, and other forms of online communication.

▪️ Being a responsible digital citizen involves treating others online with respect and courtesy.

▪️ Proper netiquette encourages individuals to engage in constructive and positive online behavior, contributing to a healthy digital community.

▪️ The absence of non-verbal cues in digital communication can lead to misinterpretations.

▪️ Digital literacy emphasizes the importance of clarity in written communication to minimize the risk of misunderstandings.

▪️ Not all information available online is accurate or reliable.

▪️ Digital literacy empowers individuals to assess the credibility and trustworthiness of sources, helping them distinguish between accurate, reliable information and misinformation.

▪️ Digital literacy skills enable individuals to efficiently search for, filter, and prioritize information, preventing them from being overwhelmed by the content available.

▪️ The ability to find the right information is closely tied to critical thinking skills.

▪️ Digital literacy encourages individuals to question, analyze, and evaluate information critically, enabling them to make informed judgments about the quality and validity of the content.

▪️ Digital literacy includes proficiency in conducting online research.

▪️ This involves using search engines effectively, understanding how to navigate databases, and employing advanced search techniques to locate relevant and reliable information.

▪️ Digital tools enable collaboration on a global scale. Individuals can connect and work together irrespective of geographical distances.

▪️ Digital literacy skills facilitate effective communication and collaboration across diverse cultures and time zones.

▪️ In professional settings, many teams operate virtually. Digital literacy empowers individuals to collaborate seamlessly through various online platforms, enhancing productivity and efficiency in virtual teamwork.

▪️ Digital literacy enables individuals to tap into the collective intelligence of online communities.

▪️ Platforms that allow for crowdsourcing ideas and solutions leverage the creativity and expertise of a diverse group of contributors.

▪️ Collaboration often involves tackling complex problems.

▪️ Digital literacy skills contribute to effective problem-solving by providing access to diverse perspectives, tools for analysis, and platforms for collaborative brainstorming and decision-making.

▪️ Online safety skills include measures to protect personal information and prevent identity theft and encompass knowledge of cybersecurity practices.

▪️ This includes recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts, using secure and unique passwords, and staying informed about common online threats.

▪️ Digital literacy encourages safe browsing habits, including verifying the legitimacy of websites, avoiding suspicious links, and being cautious about downloading files.

▪️ Digital literacy includes awareness of one’s digital footprint—the traces of online activities left behind. Individuals with online safety skills are mindful of the information they share and its potential impact on their digital reputation.

▪️ Understanding data protection regulations and privacy laws is part of online safety skills.

▪️ Individuals should be aware of their rights regarding the collection, storage, and use of their personal data by online platforms and services.

▪️ Online safety is not only about protecting oneself but also about behaving responsibly online. This includes avoiding cyberbullying, respecting others’ privacy, and promoting a positive online community.

▪️ Defining goals provides a clear sense of purpose and direction. It answers the fundamental question of what you aim to achieve. Having well-defined goals ensures that decisions align with overarching objectives, minimizing ambiguity and fostering a sense of direction. Decisions that align with established goals contribute to the strategic success of an individual or organization, ensuring that efforts are cohesive and purposeful. Goals help identify resource needs and priorities. This includes allocating time, finances, and manpower effectively.

▪️ Clearly defined goals also help identify potential risks and challenges. This proactive approach aids in risk management. Goals often reflect core values and principles. They provide a
framework for ethical decision-making. Defining goals and priorities sets the stage for effective decision-making by providing a roadmap, aligning efforts strategically, and ensuring that resources are used efficiently toward achieving meaningful outcomes.

▪️ Relevant information provides a solid foundation to make informed choices.

▪️ When decisions are based on accurate and pertinent information, they are more likely to lead to positive outcomes.

▪️ Gathering information is important when it comes to identifying options and alternatives as it helps in identifying various options and alternatives available. Relevant information aids in assessing potential risks and challenges associated with different decisions. Information gathering supports strategic planning by providing insights into current area conditions, competitor activities, and trends. By filtering out irrelevant data, you can concentrate on what truly matters, streamlining the decision-making process. Gathering relevant information is foundational to effective decision-making, providing a comprehensive understanding of the situation, reducing uncertainty, and enabling to choose courses of action that lead to positive outcomes.

▪️ Considering alternatives allows us to explore different options and identify the most optimal solution.

▪️ It helps in selecting the course of action that maximizes benefits and minimizes drawbacks. Exploring alternatives helps in identifying and assessing potential risks associated with different options, and it also encourages creative thinking and innovation. In dynamic environments, considering alternatives enables organizations to adapt to changing circumstances.

▪️ In the decision making process you can analyze and compare various solutions, leading to more effective problem-solving and decision outcomes. Organizations can choose alternatives that optimize the use of resources, ensuring efficiency and cost effectiveness. It improves the overall quality of decisions by ensuring that different options are considered and evaluated.

▪️ Involving others brings diverse perspectives to the decision-making process.

▪️ It ensures a more comprehensive understanding of the situation and consideration of a broader range of viewpoints, leading to well-rounded decisions.

▪️ Collaborative decision-making fosters creativity and innovation and introduces a system of checks and balances. Individuals who are part of the decision-making process are more likely to be dedicated in the outcomes and work collaboratively towards successful implementation. Trust is essential for effective collaboration.

▪️ Seeking input builds trust among team members and stakeholders, facilitating smoother decisionimplementation.

▪️ Individuals can gain new insights and skills through the exchange of ideas and perspectives, contributing to continuous learning and development.

▪️ Seekinng input also fosters open communication. A collaborative approach allows to be more flexible and responsive to changing circumstances.

▪️ A decision-making framework acts as a valuable tool by providing structure, consistency, and a systematic approach to decision-making.

▪️ Decision-making frameworks offer a structured pathway, helping individuals clarify their goals and identify the key factors influencing a decision.

▪️ This clarity reduces the likelihood of overlooking important considerations and ensures more organised process.

▪️ Decision frameworks often include a systematic evaluation of potential risks and benefits associated with each option.

▪️ This risk assessment helps individuals anticipate potential challenges and weigh the potential consequences.

▪️ Many decision-making frameworks include mechanisms for feedback and evaluation post-implementation.

▪️ This feedback loop enables individuals to learn from the outcomes of their decisions, facilitating continuous improvement in decision-making skills over time.

Managing your time effectively is crucial for productivity and achieving your goals. Here are some tips to help you manage your time more efficiently:

▪️ Time management is one of the most important aspects of success and if you have certain goals to achieve, time management can help you. Here’s how!

▪️ Time management is one of the most effective skills, and it significantly influences your professional and personal life. We all know that time is one of the most scarce and valuable resources, which can’t be wasted.

▪️ If you are adequately using your time to be productive, you will retain your time for work. When you constantly waste time, you can’t achieve your goals.

▪️ Only when you realize how important time is can you be genuinely motivated to work harder to acquire good time management.

▪️ If you want to change the way you manage your time, start by setting the right goals for yourself, so you can work towards achieving them. Along with goals, you must also identify your routine and point out what time-wasting activities you indulge in.

▪️ When you identify all the bad habits causing you to be less productive, you can start working on quitting them. You can do just that and much more by using Week Plan.

▪️ Time management tools such as Week Plan, you will set your goals according to what you want to accomplish in a given amount of time.

▪️ You need to set specific goals so you can focus on the task at hand before moving on to the next goal achievement. Breaking vague goals into smaller and specific ones helps accomplish goals within a specified time.

▪️ Goal setting and time management can help you in goal achievement and get the desired success in less time. In this situation, the clock will become an instrument that can keep you on track to complete your tasks within the available time.

▪️ You can’t effectively use time management unless you have goals set for yourself. Having proper goals in place, you won’t have much to wander around time wasters; instead, you will stay focused on reaching the deadline according to the goals set.

▪️ You must understand the difference between goals and activities. Goals are essential for your career success; however, activities help make the job easier. Activities make work more manageable, and their realization brings us closer to the set goal.

Make a daily or weekly to-do list. Break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This helps you focus on specific actions and provides a sense of accomplishment as you check items off.

▪️ Capture everything. It’s better to write something down and mark it as complete later than to forget what you wanted to do in the first place.

▪️ Lists, lists, and more lists. To take control of your to-do list and get your best work done, consider making more than one list on your to-do list app, like separate ones for personal and team collaboration projects.

▪️ Make it actionable. Your to-do list is not the place to store thoughts or goals. Those details are important to capture, but if you keep everything in one to-do list, your important work might get lost or buried. Instead, aim to capture those items in a project management tool or goal management system.

▪️ Prioritize your to-dos. In order to make sure you get the right work done on time, it’s important to know which of your to-dos are most important.

▪️ Always include a deadline. When it comes to hitting your to-dos, you don’t just need to know what to do—you also need to know when to do it by.

▪️ Break big work into smaller tasks. One of the biggest struggles with accurately hitting your to-dos is seeing something that’s due tomorrow but then realizing, that is actually a week’s worth of work.

▪️ Track what you don’t need to do. You don’t want to sink time into unimportant work. So while you always want to capture details in your to-do list, it’s also important to cull it when necessary.

▪️ Watch for stragglers. We all have those tasks that were due last week that we still haven’t gotten around to doing yet. But if you notice those tasks, ask yourself why they haven’t been done. What’s keeping you from them?

▪️ Identify your biggest distractions. Being aware of what distracts you the most is the first step in managing distractions and staying focused. Take a moment to reflect on your work environment and daily routine.

▪️ Create a dedicated workspace. You could set up your workspace near a window with a view of nature, as studies have shown that exposure to natural elements can boost focus and productivity. Additionally, keep your workspace organized and free from clutter, as a tidy environment can help reduce mental clutter and promote clearer thinking.

▪️ Establish a routine and set boundaries. Establishing a consistent routine and setting clear boundaries are crucial for managing distractions. Create a schedule that aligns with your natural energy levels and allows for focused work time. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, identify your most productive hours and structure your day accordingly.

▪️ Practice mindfulness and use focus techniques. Mindfulness techniques can be powerful tools for managing distractions and improving focus. Incorporating practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even a short walk outside can help clear your mind and enhance your ability to concentrate.

▪️ Prioritize your tasks and eliminate multitasking. When faced with multiple tasks or projects, it’s essential to prioritize and focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking can lead to decreased productivity and increased distraction, as your brain tries to switch between different activities.

▪️ Productivity tools are the digital backbone of efficiency in today’s workplaces.

▪️ These tools encompass various applications and software designed to optimize work processes.

▪️ At their core, productivity tools aim to simplify tasks, streamline communication, and enhance collaboration among team members.

▪️ Calendar applications help manage schedules seamlessly, ensuring deadlines are met, and appointments are never overlooked.

▪️ Collaborative document editing tools enable real-time contributions, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and collective problem-solving.

▪️ Task automation tools reduce the burden of repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their roles.

▪️ Productivity tools act as catalysts for a smoother workflow, promoting a proactive approach to tasks and projects.

▪️ Continuous education of CSOs in terms of good knowledge about EU integration processes and membership negotiations is necessary in order for CSOs to be active in the consultation and advocacy processes.

▪️ OCDs need to be vocal to increase pressure on the decision-makers, important for progress on the EU path and raising awareness. Good cooperation in building public dialogue and media presence has to be established.

▪️ Improving networking and cooperation of CSOs, business sector and government is crucial for better presentation and advocacy of common interests.

▪️ OCDs need to work on strengthening credibility, responsibility and transparency.

▪️ It is recommended that CSOs participate in the specific trainings on use and management of the IPA funds.

▪️ It is recommended to implement joint projects with research and advocacy organizations, related to the creation, implementation control and evaluation of public policys’ results.

▪️ Civil Society can contribute to this important priority of EU integrations, through raising level of awareness and nurturing public debate on important of preventing corruption.

▪️ Recommendation for CSOs is to monitor performance of government’s work, increased transparency and responsibility related to preventing corruption in areas subject to it, such as public procurement and reform processes.

▪️ Civil Society needs to promote initiatives, such as e-government, that encourage citizens participation in decision making processes, which make government more responsible, transparent and efficient.

▪️ It is recommended that CSOs become members of the UNANC Coalition, as one of the most prominent initiatives in this area. It represents a global network of around 370 CSOs from more than 100 states, active in promoting ratification and UNCACs monitoring on the international, regional and state level. CSOs can become members of the coalition by applying via this link:

▪️ It is important to continuously work on raising awareness on Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defense Policy CSDP. It includes spreading the information on EU objectives in peace building, promotion of democracy and human rights protection.

▪️ OCDs need to advocate for transparency within initiatives related to defence, such as the Coordinated Annual Review of Defense (CARD) and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). OCDs need to establish clear mechanisms for reporting, ensuring that citizens are Well informed on EU defense activities.

▪️ It is recommended to monitor cooperation between the EU and NATO, as well as initiatives and activities dedicated to global security threats.

▪️ Establishing platforms for open dialogue between OCDs, decision-makers and the public is an opportunity to address problems and encourage the feeling of joint responsibility in strengthening capacity on EUs security and defence policies.

▪️ OCDs should develop structural approaches focused on integrated strategies in combating human trafficking and encouraging the process of integration of migrants.

▪️ It is necessary to strengthen the capacities of all organizations by developing specific skills relevant for combating human trafficking and integration of migrants. Education, trainings and exchange of best practices are key elements of this process.
CSOs should focus on social inclusion of migrants through campaigns aimed to reduce stigma and discrimination. Furthermore, educational programs encourage positive contribution of migrants to the society.

▪️ It is necessary to work on the improvement of identification of human trafficking victims, and encourage establishment of state funds dedicated to the providing aid to the victims and to improve cooperation between CSOs and government on the national level.

▪️ It is necessary to actively encourage nonformal education on the positive contribution of the migrants to promote understanding and diversity acceptance. Social inclusion is crucial for risk reduction of the human trafficking and creation of better joint living.

▪️ Actively work on raising awareness on the energy security and education of public on the importance of balance between priorities – energy supply and environmental Protection.

▪️ CSOs in WB6 should encourage diversification of energy sources in order to decrease dependence in the import and increase security of supplies in line with EU guidelines.

▪️ Focus should be on the overcoming shortcomings in ecological standards, regulatory framework and transition towards renewable energy sources, as an integral part of activities.

▪️ It is recommended to encourage governments to fasten reforms in ecological standards, regulatory framework and legislation in order to harmonize it with the EUs energy objectives.

▪️ It is recommended to actively advocate for the investment in the energy’s renewable sources, increase in energy efficiency and establishment of the necessary infrastructure as key interest areas of CSOs.

▪️ It is recommended to encourage deeper integration into European energy markets with the following obligations to the Energy Community, European Union Association Agreement, and Paris Agreement.

▪️ When you are time-constrained and have a lot to do, a purposeless meeting can only drag you down.

▪️ Send the agenda before the meeting so people can know what to expect and whether they need to prepare any information.

▪️ You can also have it displayed on a screen or have it even printed (for a face-to-face meeting) to make things move along smoothly.

▪️ This is particularly important for online meetings where people work remotely and might be out of touch with a campaign or project.

▪️ Be especially meticulous when crafting agendas for larger meetings, where the chair has to carry more of the load in structuring the meeting’s length and activities.

▪️ To have an effective meeting, you need ground rules. For example, what will happen if some of the attendees are 10 minutes late.

▪️ What will happen if someone dominates the discussion and won’t allow others to talk? Be mindful about who is attending the meeting and let people speak.

▪️ Some people are more vocal, whereas others may need more space to give opinions. Take the lead and ask them questions if you feel they haven’t had a chance to contribute.

▪️ Start meetings on time and end them on time. Be consistent, and others will also respect the meeting time slot. It’s about building consistency and ensuring people know what to expect at each meeting. If you’ve put a time slot in people’s agendas, remember they have planned other things around it, so it’s your responsibility to be mindful about it.

▪️ In today’s era of remote and hybrid working, meetings can take place from virtually anywhere. The crucial decision lies in determining the most suitable medium for the meeting, whether online or if an in-person gathering is necessary.

▪️ Operational meetings can be efficiently handled online, allowing for quick management.Business builder meetings can be conducted remotely, as long as there’s a clear agenda in place. Utilize screen share for presentations, slides, or visuals to ensure everyone has access to the information.

▪️ Strategic direction meetings are centered on reflection, new ideas and brainstorming, so they can probably be handled better in an in-person meeting.

▪️ The aim of a successful meeting is to outline clear steps and actions. Take a moment at the end of each meeting to clarify the next steps.

▪️ Additionally, ensure the meeting wraps up on a positive note to leave everyone feeling motivated. Encourage active participation from all attendees during the meeting. If a specific task aligns with someone’s role, simply ask, “Is it acceptable if I assign that one to you?”

▪️ At the end of the meeting, it’s important to share notes or summaries of the outcomes to prevent any misunderstandings and ensure everyone is aware of their responsibilities. Maintaining these notes in a shared document or folder is helpful and gives easy access for all attendees to stay updated on the latest developments.

▪️ Incorporate deadlines to provide individuals with a clear timeline to work towards. If objectives aren’t met, use the next meeting as an opportunity to address any barriers if additional support or guidance is necessary.

▪️ While you may perceive a meeting as successful or daily catch-ups as highly productive, it’s essential to recognize that others may not feel the same.

▪️ Select a meeting frequency that you are comfortable with and encourage individuals to provide feedback. Create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their opinions, without feeling pressure. Frame it positively by asking, “Is there anything you believe could enhance these meetings or make them more beneficial for you?”

▪️ Conducting a “meeting audit” can also be valuable, assessing the number of meetings individuals are attending. Some individuals find it overwhelming to participate in more than three meetings a day, which can potentially lead to stress or burnout.

▪️ Fail to submit complete documentation prescribed by the Reporting Guidelines;

▪️ Fail to submit confirmation of the completed assignment;

▪️ Incomplete expenditure list: most commonly, transaction number and month for which salary is paid are not listed;

▪️ If bank fees are not planned as a separate budget line, those expenses are listed as indirect costs;

▪️ Percentages of indirect costs are not calculated properly;

▪️ Delivering incorrect payrolls is one of the most common mistakes in financial reporting.

▪️ It is necessary to calculate the percentage of engaged time of that person on the project as it is approved by the project budget.

▪️ A timesheet is necessary to follow each contract, working or service contract, where is visible how much time the person spent on the project during one month or period of execution Service Contract.

▪️ For travel costs contracts the Time Sheet is not applicable.

▪️ The main shortcoming is the lack of a qualitatively documentation’s archive.

▪️ Documentation should be sorted out from the first to the last document according to budget lines. Eventual deviations can be explained through Note to the File, in order to avoid verbal explanations, which are not acceptable.

▪️ It is recommended to make printed and electronic documentation copies so the audit can do the work either in premisses or getting it via electronic channels.

▪️ Organizations are supposed to fulfill the List of Supporting Documents (LSD) as an additional document in which all costs are shown separately and possible to compare with documentation.

▪️ Documentation has to prove all reported costs with Contracts, Invoices, Evidences of Payment, Time Sheets, Proof of Paid Contributions, List of Participants when it comes to workshops, seminars, etc.

▪️ It is advised to attach all documents considered important to justify the costs if they are not mentioned in the Guidelines.

▪️ Non- governmental organizations are registered at the tax administration, once they have performed the registration as defined by the legislation. (Establishment, registration at court, special license if needed)

▪️ Find all the necessary informations at the following link:

▪️ In Bosnia and Herzegovina, organizations and foundations can be registered on several levels, in accordance with the state’s political system, starting from the state level at the Ministry of Justice Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the federal level, the Ministry of Justice Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is relevant. Organizations registering in Republic of Srpska are doing so at the Basic Court in the headquarters of the District Court where organization or foundation is based, On the level of Brcko District, organizations are registered at the Basic Court of Brcko District. Detailed information for all registration levels can be found on the following links:

▪️ State level

▪️ Federal level

▪️ Republic of Srpska

▪️ Brcko District

▪️ The registration of an NGO is confirmed by a decision issued by the Department for Non-Governmental Organizations within the respective Ministry of Public Administration, which registers an NGO within thirty (30) days from the date the application is accepted.

▪️ All relevant information are available at the link:

▪️ Non-governmental organizations in Serbia are registered in the Business Register Agency. They can be founded by at least three founders, with the fact that at least one of the founders must reside in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. The association is founded by adopting the founding act and statute and electing a person authorized for representation at the association’s founding assembly.

▪️ You can find more information about registration at this link:

▪️ Organizations shall acquire the capacity of a legal entity by being entered in the register kept by the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia.

▪️ You can find more information about registration at this link:

▪️ Registration in the register of non-governmental organizations is a step taken after the adoption of acts at the founding assembly. The NGO should apply for registration to the Ministry of Public Administration, along with the Articles of Incorporation, the Minutes of the Founding Assembly, and the Statute of the Association.

▪️ You can find more information about registration at this link:

▪️ In the Republic of Srpska, the Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government is the responsible institution that prepares and approves financial statements for civil society organizations.

▪️ In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is the Federal Ministry of Justice or the entity Ministry of Justice, depending on the level of government, while in Brcko District, the responsible institution is Finance Directorate of Brcko District.

▪️ The Ministry of Finance of Serbia has jurisdiction over the supervision of financial statements and the implementation of regulations related to the financial operations of civil society organizations. In addition, the Serbian Business Registers Agency is responsible for registering civil society organizations and may be involved in approving financial statements.

▪️ In Montenegro, the responsible institution that prepares and approves financial statements for civil society organizations is the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, which has jurisdiction over the monitoring and supervising of the financial activities of political entities, civil society organizations, and other entities engaged in public action.

▪️ Civil Society Organizations in Albania submit their annual financial reports to the General Directorate of Taxes.

▪️ Civil society organizations in Kosovo are obliged to submit financial reports to the Business Registration Agency, which must be by the relevant legislation and regulations on financial reporting.

▪️ The Agency for Financial Support (AFS) is the responsible institution in North Macedonia that prepares and approves financial statements for civil society organizations.

▪️ Data Privacy

Policy Develop a comprehensive data privacy policy outlining the types of data collected, the purpose of collection, how it will be processed, categories of recipients, and individuals’ rights regarding their data.

▪️ Implement security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, destruction, loss, or alteration.

▪️ This may include encryption, strong password policies, anti-malware protection, and regular software and system updates.

▪️ Restrict the availability of personal data solely to authorized personnel essential for their respective roles within the organization.

▪️ Ensure that all employees and collaborators receive adequate training on data protection and privacy rules.

▪️ Develop and implement protocols for managing data security, including procedures for responding to security incidents such as hacking or data breaches.

▪️ Exercise caution with email, especially when sending sensitive data.

▪️ Use encrypted channels for transmitting sensitive information and educate staff on secure email practices.

▪️ Civil society organizations should ensure that the procurement process is fully transparent,
from beginning to end, to avoid suspicions of corruption or bias.

▪️ Transparency is a critical element in ensuring integrity, accountability, and fairness.

▪️ This includes making information publicly available at every step of the process,
from procurement planning to supplier selection and contract execution.

▪️ It’s highly important for CSOs to define a clear procurement policy that will regulate procedures, selection criteria, and bid evaluation. Ensure that colleagues participating in the procurement process are educated about relevant rules and guidelines and aware of the importance of respecting them.

▪️ Encouraging competitiveness among suppliers ensures the best possible offers for civil society organizations and promotes innovation, efficiency, and improvement in the quality of services or products being procured.

▪️ Regularly monitor and evaluate the procurement process to identify possible improvements and avoid repeating mistakes, which will also ensure proactive identification and resolution of issues.

▪️ Civil society organizations should be mindful of responsible spending of funds, prioritizing the quality and sustainability of products or services, and supporting local suppliers whenever possible. Choosing local suppliers can also reduce transportation costs.

Before embarking on drafting statutes, it is essential to contemplate the purpose and goals of your organization.

What is the mission of the organization? What activities do you plan to undertake to achieve these goals?

Which target audience are you addressing? These pieces of information will form the foundation for drafting the statutes.

Ensure that the statutes are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Crafting and adopting statutes is a pivotal step in establishing a non-governmental organization, as it provides the legal framework for its operations, ensuring transparency and accountability in its management.

The tax status and privileges that non-governmental organizations can attain vary from country to country and depend on each state’s tax regulations and policies.

However, there are several standard privileges and tax incentives that NGOs can utilize in many countries, such as tax exemptions, benefits for donations, tax relief for volunteering, opportunities for tax refunds, and tax incentives for specific activities. Civil society organizations should regularly collaborate with tax advisors to ensure compliance with laws and maximize the utilization of available tax benefits.

In the non-profit sector, as in any other sector, contracts and legal obligations play a pivotal role in regulating relationships among different parties, both within and between the organization and external partners.

Always ensure legal review of all contracts the organization enters into, including donation agreements, employment contracts, contracts with suppliers, and other agreements.

Ensure that all contracts are legally binding and compliant with the law.

Conflicts of interest in the non-profit sector can arise when an individual or organization has dual or opposing interests that may influence the objectivity or integrity of their decisions or activities.

To address conflicts of interest, it is crucial for NGOs to adopt clear policies, practices,
and procedures that promote transparency, accountability, and integrity in their work. It is also important for members of the organization to be trained and aware of potential conflicts of interest and how to recognize and resolve them.

Intellectual property plays a significant role in the non-profit sector. Non-profit organizations typically develop intellectual resources such as information, knowledge, ideas, and creative products to achieve their goals and contribute to social change. Protect the organization’s intellectual property, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, and other forms. Timely register all relevant intellectual creations.

Compliance with local and international laws is crucial for maintaining the integrity and legitimacy of the non-profit sector.

NGOs are subject to various legal regulations regarding their activities and operations.

Stay updated on legislative changes and ensure that your organization complies with local, national, and international laws about the work of non-governmental organizations.

Regularly seek advice from legal experts to ensure the legality of all activities.

They are used when a non-governmental organization employs staff or engages individuals to perform certain tasks or activities for a specified or unspecified period.

Employment contracts with employees regulate the rights and obligations of employees,
including wages, working hours, benefits, and working conditions.

Adhere to labor laws that regulate working conditions, employment, workplace safety, and employee rights.

In the non-governmental sector, it’s common to engage a party to perform a one-time independent task where the result of the work is the most important. This is regulated by a service contract.

A copyright contract represents a subtype of a service contract, with the requirement to specify the disposal of copyright.

NGOs often collaborate with other organizations, governmental institutions, or the private sector on various projects or initiatives.

Partnership agreements define each party’s roles, responsibilities, and expectations, as well as the manner of cooperation and resource sharing.

Grant agreements regulate the relationship between NGOs and donors, private companies, or public institutions for receiving financial or material donations to support the organization’s projects and activities.

These agreements include funding conditions, project progress reporting, and oversight of fund spending.

Volunteers play a crucial role in many NGO projects. Volunteer agreements can define the roles and responsibilities of volunteers, as well as the working conditions, rights, and obligations of volunteers.

Non-governmental organizations can lease premises or equipment for work or activities.

Lease agreements regulate the terms of use of space or equipment, including the rental price, duration of the contract, and the obligations of the lessor and lessee.

These agreements are used when a non-governmental organization provides specific services to individuals, groups, or other organizations.
These services can include education, healthcare, social services, etc.

NGOs often receive donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, and governments.
These can be one-time contributions or recurring donations.

Grants are another significant source of funding, provided by governments, international organizations, or private foundations for specific projects or general support.

NGOs may form partnerships with corporations through corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

These partnerships can include financial contributions, in-kind donations, or support through employee volunteer programs.

NGOs may generate income through the sale of goods (like merchandise or publications), services (consulting, training), or through fee-for-service programs.

This income diversification can reduce reliance on donations.

In some cases, NGOs may secure contracts with government agencies to provide services like healthcare, education, or social services.

These contracts can provide stable funding but often come with specific requirements and reporting obligations.

NGOs working in international development often receive funding from foreign aid programs of governments or international institutions (like the United Nations or World Bank).

This funding supports projects aimed at improving living conditions, education, healthcare, and more in developing countries.

Some NGOs receive support from private endowments or charitable foundations.

These entities may provide grants, investments, or other forms of financial assistance to support the NGO’s mission over the long term.