
Contracts signed with CORE grantees from N. Macedonia and Serbia

On January 25, 2023, we awarded eight CORE Grants to civil society organizations from N. Macedonia and Serbia within the project SMART Balkans – Civil society for shared society in the Western Balkans, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The awarded grants will be implemented in the following 24 months, which will strengthen the selected organizations’ internal capabilities and their pivotal role in society through advocacy and direct influence on the community.

Our grantees will tackle issues under the project’s main thematic areas, security and stability and good governance, specifically gender issues, human rights, digital rights, civil society development, democracy, and spatial and urban planning.

CSOs that received CORE Grants:

North Macedonia

  1. HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje / ХОПС – Опции за здрав живот Скопје (765,000.00 NOK)
  2. Local Community Development Foundation Shtip / Фондација за развој на локалната заедница Штип (414,120.00 NOK)
  3. Organization of women of municipality Sveti Nikole / Здружение Организација на жените на општина Свети Николе (306,000.00 NOK)
  4. Humanitarian Association for Help and Support of People with Special Needs “Bravura Cooperativa“ – Delchevo / Хуманитарното Здружение за помош и поддршка на лицата со посебни потреби „Бравура Кооператива“ – Делчево (306,000.00 NOK)


  1. SHARE Foundation / SHARE Fondacija (816,000.00 NOK)
  2. Institute for Urban Politics / Institut za urbane politike (612,000.00 NOK)
  3. Women’s Rights organisation FemPlatz / Udruženje građanki FemPlatz (550,800.00 NOK)
  4. Tok21 (408,000.00 NOK)

Congratulations! We look forward to seeing the achievements and the impact of these projects.