The opening ceremony of “ANIBAR” was held at Kino “Liqeni,” where many animation film enthusiasts, as well as well-known local and international personalities, were present. The International Animation Film Festival comes with a rich program featuring 160 films selected from 1509 submissions from around the world. The films are divided into nine categories, seven of which are competitive. In addition to the screening of animated films, as with every edition, this year’s festival will feature other programs, including three presentations, five workshops, four panels, and two special programs. As in previous years, special guests will join to share their knowledge about the animation industry. This edition will also feature a special Virtual Reality program, showcasing a total of four films from various countries around the world. This program will offer the opportunity to experience films in a non-traditional way, stimulating how creative industries can tell stories. All of these films will be shown at the Art Gallery in Peja. This edition of the Anibar Animation Film Festival will last a full 7 days, concluding on July 23rd. the main goal of Anibar this year is to spread love and acceptance for everyone, providing all participants with a safe space to express themselves without feeling judged, discriminated against, or excluded.