Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
SHARE Foundation is a non-profit organisation established in 2012 to advance human rights and freedoms online and promote positive values of an open and decentralised web, as well as free access to information, knowledge, and technology. Our primary areas of activities are freedom of speech online, data privacy, digital security, and open access to knowledge and information. SHARE actively advocates for human rights approach to policies concerning digital rights, privacy and freedom of speech, monitors digital rights violations and educates the activists and the society on current digital rights issues, and provides training and pro bono help in the area of digital security.
The work of SHARE Foundation which is supposed to be carried out through this project is beneficial to activists and the society. Through its work, SHARE Foundation is shedding light on current trends in the digital sphere, fights for the prevention of policies intrusive to the right to privacy and strives to protect human rights of citizens stemming from digital space.
Related news:
Organisation of Digital Rights Summer School in 2023 and 2024
Advocacy activities – Data Protection Strategy for the period from 2023 to 2030
Organisation of EDRi General Assembly & the Digital Green Society conference