Summary of organization’s strategic orientation
Humanitarian association for help and support of people with special needs “Bravura Cooperativa” in accordance with its Mission unites policies related to Persons with special needs and their families, social rights and policies, the rights of children with special needs, protection from discrimination, etc. HZ Bravura Cooperative actively and continuously prepares, proposes and implements measures, activities and strategies related to improving the well-being of people with special needs, strengthening capacities through direct treatment and support, strengthening efficient and effective social dialogue at all levels for raising public awareness about this population, establishing alternative forms of non-institutional services, ensuring greater equality and protection from any kind of discrimination.
The implementation of the activities will directly affect the improvement of the condition of vulnerable groups (persons with special needs and persons with reduced functional abilities), as the ultimate beneficiaries of the Eastern Planning Region. The creation of regional social policies, through a developed network of constituents from state institutions of the system and NGO organizations, with an operational plan based on real assessments from working groups represents a positive change and mutual benefits and interest of these stakeholders. Actions from the initiative fill the gap in the system in the field of social services with regional scope, and build and create prerequisites for the development of social service providers in the Eastern Planning Region, and mapping of social services according to the real needs of vulnerable groups.
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